
学校著作権ナビゲーター 原口直のプロフィール

Born 1981 in Nagano Prefecture, raised in Kanagawa and Nagano Prefectures.

After graduating from the Faculty of Education at Tokyo Gakugei University, he worked for a major entertainment production group before becoming a music teacher.
Currently, Fellow, Children Institute for the Future,Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan.

At public junior high schools in Tokyo and Setagaya Junior High School attached to Tokyo Gakugei University, she has conducted many classes on copyright education and “music related to life and society” in the new curriculum guidelines, making use of her experience as a company employee.

In 2020, I began working as a “school copyright navigator” to provide easy-to-understand explanations of copyright laws for teachers and staff working at schools, utilizing her experience working at schools, and has been providing content on YouTube and my website to help teachers and educational trainees learn about copyright.

Member of the Committee of Experts on Music Culture Business (JASRAC) / Expert Member of the Committee on Common Purpose Business (SARTRAS) /

Special ability: Chorus,Japanese drumming
Hobbies: Bird-watching,Theater (Ningyo Joruri Bunraku, Musicals),Watching baseball games (Japanese only)
Twitter:@makiba_work (Japanese only) (Japanese only)




The following is an introduction to our past achievements by genre.


Government members, Expert meetings, etc.

Expert Member of the Committee on Common Purpose Business/SARTRAS(Jun 2021〜)
Member of the Committee of Experts on Music Culture Business /JASRAC(May 2021〜)
Fellow, Children Institute for the Future,Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan(Mar 2021〜)
Reference person for the Study Committee of the Consortium for the Promotion of Intellectual Property Creation Education/Cabinet Office(2018)
Expert committee for “Research and Study on Selection of Schools and Teachers for Promotion of IP Creativity Education and Practice”./Cabinet Office(2022)


Lectures & Speaking Engagements

I provide training for school teachers and others on the topic of copyright in schools, as well as lectures on copyright at events organized by ministries, boards of education, and local governments.

Click here for more information


Media Coverage

Many national newspapers, educational magazines, and web media have reported on my efforts, including copyright training at schools.

Click here for more information


I have written, contributed to, and presented articles and presentations on copyright education in schools, music curriculum guidelines, and the use of YouTube in the classroom.

Click here for more information

Music class practices

We offer classes on copyright, CSR, gender, taxes (taxes that support music), music that moves society (charity, etc.), Japanese drumming, etc.

Click here for more information


Please feel free to contact us for interviews, inquiries, and other job requests.

For requests, consultations, and inquiries, please contact me using this form or send an e-mail to info [at]